Tasks of the Vice Deanship - College of Medicine
The duties of the Vice Deanship of the College of Medicine, Female Section can summarize in the following points:
1. Implementing the decisions related to the college policies approved by the College Council related to achieving the objectives of the college in general, and the female section in particular, and in full coordination with the university vice-rectors according to specialization.
2. Continuous follow-up of the academic, administrative and technical work progress of all sectors of the female section of the College.
3. Coordination with the rest of the College agents to secure the needs of the female section sectors of academic, technical and administrative projects and jobs, scientific and medical equipment, and others.
4. Direct contact with its counterparts in other colleges within the university, within the scope of its work after coordination with the Dean of the College.
5. Coordination with the competent authorities in supervising the services provided to students (housing - transportation - nutrition - health services - cultural activities - sports). 6. Proposing development projects and programs related to the administrative affairs of the female section.
7. General supervision of all educational events and activities held in the female section (general admission exams - academic advising program for developments - academic advising program - preparation and organization of graduation ceremonies - career day and coordination with the relevant authorities).
8. Supervising emergency and disaster plans in the female section in coordination with the competent authorities.
9. Supporting the plans of academic accreditation processes, and coordinating with the Vice Deanship for Development and Quality.
10. Supporting all voluntary college activities and proposing mechanisms for developing and upgrading them in the female section.
11. Discovering human competencies in women's fields specialized in the administrative and technical scientific fields at the university and trying to develop, support and benefit from them.
12. Work to activate the movement of research and scientific publishing in the female section.
13. Work on rationalization and optimal utilization of the human resources of the female component and the available capabilities and distribute them among units and departments in order to achieve justice and equality in coordination.
14. Follow up the admission procedures for students and their registration procedures, in coordination with the concerned authorities.
15. Supervise the security and safety work on the female side, and take appropriate measures to maintain the security and safety of students and college employees.
16. Implementing and following up on the decisions of the College Council regarding student affairs.
17. Follow up the implementation of the work of the activities committees to raise their level and motivate students to participate in them and reveal and develop their talents.
18. Contribute to solving the problems of faculty members in coordination with the competent authorities in the College.
19. Developing public relations and media on the women's side in coordination with the competent authorities in the College.
20. Approving the job performance evaluation of the employees of the departments and administrative units associated with them.
21. Prepare a detailed annual report at the end of each academic year on the Vice Deanship and its associated bodies.
22. The work assigned to him by the Dean of the College.