Intellectual property rights in e-learning:

  1. The Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education is committed to intellectual property rights in any electronic materials designed or added to e-learning systems, or the Deanship's page on the university's website, and its electronic channels under its management.
  2. Ownership of the electronic content published on its website belongs to Najran University.
  3. Najran University owns all the rights to the electronic content that is developed at the university.
  4. The electronic content subject to the rules of commercial use is subject to the terms of the agreement between the university and the entity producing the work.
  5. All electronic works that are produced, made, created, or developed by faculty members or employees while performing their job duties are the property of the university.
  6. The open electronic educational content is used in accordance with the rules of copyright, with the need to adhere to the reference to the source.
  7. The faculty member is responsible for reviewing and adhering to the publishing and intellectual property regulations in producing, publishing, designing and developing any electronic content of the university.
  8. The faculty member is obligated to bear full responsibility in the event of using any of the open source or archived electronic resources that belong to the university’s ownership in the event that it is used for a purpose other than the purpose for which it was produced or designed.
  9. All forms of electronic content are subject to the academic publishing and intellectual property rights policies of the university, whether the content of synchronous sessions, or what is added as asynchronous content.
  10. The faculty member bears full responsibility for any violation of intellectual property and copyright rights, and it is considered an individual work for which the university disclaims responsibility.

Publication policy in e-learning:

  1. Any electronic product that a faculty member is assigned to develop, design, or formulate must acknowledge the university's ownership of the product and the university has the right to reuse it, publish it, and modify it without referring to any party.
  2. A faculty member assigned to design, produce, or develop any electronic product must undertake to observe the university's copyrights before publishing the product through the university's e-learning systems.
  3. The faculty member must commit to using international scientific documentation standards to refer to the sources used and reference documentation.
  4. The faculty member acknowledges that he bears full responsibility for the electronic content that he publishes in the event that it violates the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom.
  5. The faculty member bears full responsibility and acknowledges that the university is not responsible for the use of any unlicensed product that results in claims from any party.
  6. It is prohibited to publicly publish any of the students' electronic work inside or outside the course on or outside the e-learning systems, such as assignments and research, without obtaining permission from the employer.
  7. Any e-learning product that requires permission to be published, the faculty member is obligated to obtain the required approval before publishing on the university's e-learning management systems.
  8. The appearance of any developments related to the copyright of any e-learning product that obliges the faculty member to immediately amend if the product is published on the e-learning management systems of the university.
  9. It is prohibited to publish any electronic content that contradicts the policies of respecting the privacy of others, or their personal data.
  10. It is prohibited to publish any electronic content that deals with sectarian, partisan, or tribal strife, incites a breach of state security and societal stability, or calls for violating the Islamic religion and its teachings.

Usage Policy for the E-Learning Management System:

  • Items for faculty members:
  1. The use of a faculty member for the e-learning management system _of the university_ means that he/she agrees to adhere to the following:
  2. Take permission from the intellectual property rights holders to add any content to the system.
  3. Any non-copyrighted electronic content added to the system must indicate the source.
  4. The faculty member bears full responsibility in the event of adding any content to the system without indicating its source, or adding any content that is not authorized to be used, and the university is not responsible for that.
  5. All elements of electronic content, a recorded session, and other electronic educational content that a faculty member adds to the system are the property of the university.
  6. All courses developed by the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education are the property of the university, and a faculty member has no right to use or edit them without referring to the Deanship.
  7. No user of the e-learning management system has the right to use any electronic content on the system other than the purpose for which it was set, whether by copying or reusing it, whether inside or outside the system.
  8. No user of the e-learning management system has the right to publish or share any information, data, or electronic content available to users on the e-learning management system with any internal or external parties without prior official permission.
  9. The faculty member must submit an approved letter from his academic department in case he wants to change or update any element in the course he is studying.
  10. None of the university's employees has the right to view the contents of a particular course, or the people's data, without the official permission of the faculty member who teaches the course or the academic department to which the course follows.
  11. No party or person outside the university has the right to view the data and contents of the courses, the data of the people, and the data of the users of the system without the official approval of the university administration.
  12. The approved statistics on course and user data, which are used for scientific research purposes, are officially requested by the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education.
  13. The user of the system bears full responsibility for protecting his access data by not disclosing it, and legal responsibility in the event that someone else is allowed to access the system using his data.
  • Items for students:
  1. The student's use of the university's e-learning management system means that he acknowledges the following:
  2. Any electronic content that is not copyrighted is added to the system, in which the student must indicate the source.
  3. The student bears full responsibility in the event of adding any content to the system without indicating its source, or adding any content that is not authorized to be used, and the university is not responsible for that.
  4. No user of the e-learning management system has the right to use any electronic content on the system other than the purpose for which it was set, whether by copying or reusing it, whether inside or outside the system.
  5. No user of the e-learning management system has the right to publish or share any information, data, or electronic content available to users on the e-learning management system with any internal or external parties without prior official permission.
  6. The approved statistics on course and user data, which are used for scientific research purposes, are officially requested by the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education.
  7. The user of the system bears full responsibility for protecting his access data.

Academic integrity policy in e-learning:

Academic integrity is a basic principle in the e-learning system at Najran University, and an important aspect for the success of the educational process, which is commitment to scientific and literary honesty, and is based on moral values and taking responsibility in performing academic tasks, transferring, publishing and using information and ideas of others, as well as honesty in documenting electronic content. Preserving the rights of others.

Forms of Violation of Academic Integrity:

    The university does not allow all forms of fraud, forgery, personal and literary impersonation, or any violation of academic integrity in e-learning, including:

  1. Impersonation by impersonating another person, whether in virtual classes, tests, assignments, or any academic assignments.
  2. Plagiarism is the use of literary ideas, phrases, and other works of others in academic assignments without attributing the source.
  3. Cheating in tests and all electronic assessments.
  4. Exploiting cooperation in group work by making the student depend on the rest of the members of his group in accomplishing academic duties and tasks.
  5. Fraud and forgery of any electronic document or work, such as forging excuses for absence from attendance, or changing the information available in electronic assignments or tests.
  6. Exploiting academic assistance from another student to accomplish individual academic tasks, or providing unauthorized assistance.

Principles of Academic Integrity:

  1. The university, represented by the Deanship of E-learning and Distance Education, works to maintain high academic standards in e-learning, based on honesty, trustworthiness and responsibility by maintaining academic integrity.
  2. The Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education, as well as all relevant authorities in the university, provide support and guidance in understanding academic integrity, the requirements for maintaining it, and the consequences of violating it.
  3. The Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education provides a number of tools on the e-learning management system that help faculty members to detect and limit fraud and plagiarism.

Disciplinary procedures for fraud and plagiarism:

According to the rules governing e-learning, it applies to fraud and plagiarism in e-learning with the same procedures and disciplinary regulations contained in the university's regulations for regular education.

Mechanisms that help reduce fraud and plagiarism:

  1. Holding training and awareness courses and workshops on the damages of fraud and plagiarism on the educational process, and urging to review the academic integrity document to know the disciplinary policy and procedures.
  2. Preparing question banks on the e-learning management system that contain a large number of questions, which reduces the chances of repeating questions between different models.
  3. Activating the feature of random questions available on the e-learning management system.
  4. Requiring students to document the list of sources and references in academic assignments.

Tools that help detect fraud and plagiarism:

  1. The SafeAssign tool available on the e-learning management system at Najran University, which allows detection of plagiarism in assignments and research, and provides the faculty member with detailed data about the stolen parts and their original sources.
  2. (iThenticate) program provided by the Deanship of Scientific Research to all university employees to reveal the percentage of scientific citations in research.
  3. Discussing students' research and assignments to ensure that the student understands the subject and work