Regulations governing the internship year
1-    The internship period is a mandatory training program in an accredited training hospital approved by the College Council, which is a professional academic program subject to the laws, regulations and regulations of the College of Medicine - Najran University and the regulations of the accredited training bodies.
2-    The intern doctor does not enroll in this program until after successfully passing all the subjects of the study plan and with a study average of more than 2/5. 
3-    The duration of the internship period is 12 calendar months for actual clinical training, and this period is called compulsory training (internship year). In this period, the student is called an intern and is evaluated professionally and behaviorally and is subject to success and failure in each training course.
4-    The student is required to spend a compulsory training year (internship year) for a period of twelve Gregorian months, the College Council determines the date of its start. 
5-    The year of compulsory training includes training periods in different disciplines according to the program as determined by the College Council. 
6-    At the end of each training period, the trainee is evaluated by the competent department of the hospital / training center as well as college supervisors, and if the student does not obtain a satisfactory report, he must repeat the training period or part of it without reward after the end of the compulsory training period. The intern trains in the following clinical departments and units according to the duration prescribed for each specialty and according to the distribution of trainees to the specialties: Two months (internal) Two months (surgery) Month (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology) Two months (Pediatrics) Two months (Emergency Medicine) Family Medicine Month Two months (two elective majors).
7-    The training course plan for each intern doctor is approved by the Internship and Alumni Unit and it is not allowed to change it except after the approval of the Deanship of the College based on a recommendation from the Internship and Alumni Unit in the College.
8-    The intern doctor must finish the course (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) before the beginning of the internship period.
9-    To pass the internship period, it is required to obtain a passing grade in all departments according to the training plan. 
10-    At the end of the training period in each department or unit, the trainee is evaluated by the competent department of the hospital / training center as well as the college supervisors and sends an official and confidential to the college.
11-    In the event that the intern doctor does not pass the evaluation in any specialty in the internship year (main or minor) or if the percentage of absence exceeds (more than three days without an excuse or a week with an excuse) in any specialty, that month will be repeated in full in the same specialty at the end of the internship period.
12-    In case of absence with an acceptable excuse within 3 days, the intern doctor will return the period in which the absence was made at the end of the internship period without remuneration and in the same specialty.
13-    In the event that the intern doctor is suspended from training by the training center, the training is suspended for the internship year and another acceptance is sought by the student to resume training or repeat the entire interrupted training period, according to the reason for the suspension and what the internship unit and the College Council deem. 
14-    If the intern doctor is absent or interrupts three days or more from attending during the training, the internship unit at the college must be officially informed via the unit's e-mail ( by the responsible authority in the training center based on a letter from the training supervisor.
15-    The College Council, based on the recommendation of the Internship and Alumni Unit and the Training Committee, may cancel or suspend the training of the internship student in the event that he/she stops working without a convincing reason or violates the regulations and regulations of the university or hospital.
16-    In the event that the intern doctor does not obtain a satisfactory report (passing score of 60%) in any specialty in the internship year (whether compulsory or elective course), he/she must repeat the training period in this specialty without remuneration after the end of the internship year.
17-    It is allowed to postpone the beginning of the internship year training for a maximum of three months, provided that the intern doctor submits an acceptable excuse to the internship and graduates unit for a period of not less than a full month before the start of the training period, and the application is not considered accepted until after the approval of the College Council or whoever is authorized to accept the application. 
18-    If the intern doctor interrupts the training with an acceptable excuse for a period of less than (6) months, he will complete the remainder of the current internship period. If the intern doctor interrupts the training without excuse for a period of less than (6) months, he/she must repeat the full internship year, regardless of what was accomplished before the interruption.
19-    If the period of postponement or interruption of the internship exceeds 6 months, the intern doctor is required to undergo a clinical examination in the courses of internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and obstetrics and gynecology. In the event that he does not obtain a passing score (60%) of the exam, he cannot retake the test until one month after the date of the previous test, and these tests are not considered graduation tests, but a test to allow the start of the internship period. The student may repeat the test until he passes. In case of interruption, the intern must repeat the entire internship period after passing the previous tests.
20-    The intern doctor is not allowed to work outside the place of training or in any entity during the training period, and whoever violates this must repeat a period equal to the period of his work outside the place of training. 
21-    Upon successful completion of the training year, the trainee is granted a certificate of completion of the internship period, indicating the training periods in each specialization, and the academic office must transfer it on the academic system from trainee to graduate based on an official transaction from the Internship Unit through the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs.

Training Center: It is one of the major internal hospitals in the city of Najran or outside the region and approved by the College Council to train interns according to the following controls: 1. The hospital must be recognized by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties as a training program in the same specialty.
2. The student must obtain a letter of acceptance for training from the hospital in which he wishes to train in a sufficient period.
Requirements for joining the internship year:
1-    Successful completion of all courses. 
2-    Submit a copy of the academic record.
3-    Submit a copy of a valid ID card with a minimum of 12 months.
4-    Complete all the required requirements and forms for the Internship Unit and the College and obtain the approval of the Internship Unit.
5-    Obtaining the approval of the accredited hospital in which the internship applicant wishes to train.
Conditions for changing the training center or period: 
1. The intern doctor is not entitled to change the place or period of training except after the approval of the College Council in proportion to the operational plan of each department, without prejudice to the number of interns in the department, provided that he or she submits a request for change to the unit before the beginning of training in the specialization for a period of not less than a month, and the intern doctor bears the consequences of delay in the event that this occurs. 
2. In the event of changing the place and period of training without official written approval from the college, this period is not approved and must be returned, and the intern doctor is referred to the disciplinary committee in the college. 
Vacations system during the internship year: 
1. The intern doctor enjoys a leave of fourteen days only in two periods during the internship year and is not entitled to collect it during the training period at once except with the approval of the hospital and the internship unit together, which he may benefit from during the two Eid periods.
2. Emergency leave: The intern doctor is allowed to enjoy five days of emergency leave during the year and bring proof of that. 
3. Permission to attend conferences and seminars: The intern is allowed to attend conferences during the training period according to the following conditions: 
I. The intern doctor is allowed to attend conferences for a maximum of 7 separate days throughout the entire internship year. 
II. The duration of the conference attendance should not exceed 10% of the duration of the course in the specialization at that time.
III. The intern doctor must submit a request for attendance or participation on the approved form for this purpose to the training supervisor for approval, as well as the approval of the internship unit and return a copy of it to the training supervisor at the hospital. 
IV. The university should not bear any financial obligations. 
V. The intern must bring a certificate of attendance at the conference. 
Financial Reward: The Deanship of Faculty Affairs at the university is submitted to disburse the internship reward to the intern doctor according to the regulations and laws governing this after the arrival of the direct letter from the hospital / training center in which the intern doctor is trained to the unit.
Intern Evaluation System: The intern doctor is subject to evaluation by the training authority and the college supervisor - for trainees within the city of Najran - so that the evaluation form is filled out by the training authority and the college supervisor and that it is signed and stamped by the supervising consultant and the training officer at the hospital and then officially sent to the college for study and accreditation.
1. If the intern doctor violates his professional or ethical duties and obligations, the hospital/training center of the college shall submit the entire transaction accompanied by the opinion of the supervisor/training unit to study the full file by the internship unit and graduates and recommend to the College Council the application of one or more of the following penalties after sitting with the internship: 
I. Verbal warning 
II. Written Warning 
III. Retraining for a Limited Period 
IV. Deprivation of franchise remuneration for a certain period 
V. Failure to grant him a certificate of completion of the internship period 
2. The intern doctor shall be informed of the decision through the Internship Unit within two weeks of its issuance. 
3. When violations occur that violate behavior, honor, honesty or ethics of practicing the profession, the violating doctor is investigated by the Internship and Alumni Unit, and its report is submitted to the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs to take the necessary action according to the college/university regulations. 

End of training:
 The College of Medicine at Najran University grants the intern doctor who has successfully completed the training period and after completing all the requirements of the internship unit and the graduates a certificate of completion of the compulsory internship year approved by the dean of the college or his deputy. The status in the academic system is transferred from trainee to graduate by the college registrar at the request of the Internship Unit. The certificate of excellence is submitted in the administrative system by the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs to be submitted to the Deanship of Admission and Registration to issue a certificate of completion of the bachelor's degree in medicine and surgery.